When making a statement with shoes, extreme platform shoes are the way to go. These towering shoe styles can instantly send any outfit into the stratosphere and create a unique look that will garner plenty of compliments. So whether you’re searching for outrageous designs or something more classic, there’s sure to be the perfect pair […]
Category: Unique Style Shoes

Sneaker patterns related to New Year and Christmas
The New Year is when people decorate Christmas trees and give each other gifts. But, for people who love sneakers, it’s also a time for holiday-themed sneakers. Sports brands like Nike and Reebok have released special editions of their shoes to celebrate the end of the year. Here are some of the best New Year’s […]

Sneakers Forum Low in honor of the movie “Home Alone 2”
Are you a fan of the classic movie “Home Alone 2?” If so, you’ll be thrilled to hear that sneakers have been created in honor of it. The sports brand decided to dedicate the silhouette to the birdie, a lonely homeless woman feeding pigeons in Central Park, whom Kevin is initially afraid of, but eventually […]