Have you ever noticed that one particular handbag seems to be everywhere? It might have been on the arm of a celebrity, spotted in the store window, or shared on social media. The popularity of this bag is known as ‘it-bag’ – but what exactly is it, and how does a bag become one? This […]
Category: Future Clothing
Ugly Christmas Sweaters
Ah, the ugly Christmas sweater! For many, it’s an artifact of school dances and family gatherings gone by. You can spot them packed away in closely guarded wardrobes at holiday time or proudly displayed on closet doors for years to come. Whether you love them or hate them, we’ve all got one inspiring us with […]
5 sustainable fabrics of the future
Nowadays, all fashion brands that are respected by others are trying not to use natural leather or nylon in their clothing collections. Instead, they use sustainable materials that save animals and do not damage the environment. Even though some people doubt whether these experiments make sense, many clothing manufacturers still support the use of vegan […]