Have you ever noticed that one particular handbag seems to be everywhere? It might have been on the arm of a celebrity, spotted in the store window, or shared on social media. The popularity of this bag is known as ‘it-bag’ – but what exactly is it, and how does a bag become one? This post will dive deep into exploring this phenomenon!
Definition of an it-bag
The It-bag is a bag seen by many people, from street style stars to fashion editors. These bags are usually of very high quality and are in high demand. They also often have features that are characteristic of the brand.
Even though it is not what many people think, an It-bag does not have to be practical or expensive. It is shown by the Jacquemus bags, which are very small and always sell out quickly. They look more like something people would use for decoration than something practical. Another example is the Telfar shoppers.
History of the it-bag
The first time people talked about “status bags” was in the 1990s, even though It-bags existed long before that. The first It-bag dates back to 1945. Giuliana Camerino made the first It-bags from fabrics and materials traditionally used for clothing. People could easily recognize her bags because of the distinctive details like criss-cross “R”s and woven leather. At the end of the decade, another popular bag was released by Gucci. This bag was different because it had a bamboo handle. The style quickly caught on and has been worn by many famous people since then.
Several iconic bags from famous fashion houses were released. These include Chanel, Hermès, and Louis Vuitton. People today want these bags, and they are hard to find.
The “It-bag” became popular in the 1990s and early 2000s. Designers tried to create a style that would be easy to recognize and become very popular. So fashion editors started adding the prefix “It” to the bags photographed most often.
Examples of iconic it-bags throughout history
The Fendi Baguette is probably the most famous It-bag of all time. It became popular in 1997 because of its unique shape and style. Many celebrities saw it.
The Dior Saddle bag is another iconic bag that was released in 2000. The bag quickly became popular and is still seen today. It was designed by John Galliano, who wanted to create a bag with an equestrian look that people could wear all year round.
The Louis Vuitton Speedy bag was first released in the 1930s and has been a classic. The bag’s design has barely changed over the years, and it is still one of the most popular bags in the world.
The Gucci Jackie bag was released in 1961 and has been seen by countless celebrities over the years. The design made it easy to recognize, and its popularity grew over time.